
One of the Most Impactful Legislative Initiatives for the Future of Chesapeake Restoration

安纳波利斯, MD – 十大赌博正规老平台 President and CEO Joel Dunn and Environmental Policy Innovation Center Executive Director Timothy Male issued these statements following the passage of the Conservation Finance Act (CFA) in the Maryland House of Delegates, SB0348. 同一法案的众议院版本, HB0653 has been reported favorably out of both Senate Committees and is headed to the Senate floor for likely passage in the next few days. Both bills will be presented to Governor Larry Hogan for his anticipated signature.

一经马里兰州州长拉里·霍根签署成为法律, the CFA will become the first state law in the country that will expand the ways private financing can benefit state climate, 水的质量, 保护目标. 该法案建立了绿色基础设施, natural infrastructure and a focus on social equity a bigger part of a diversity of Maryland environmental programs.

以下声明来自十大赌博正规老平台协会主席 & 首席执行官乔尔·邓恩:

“比如联邦政府和全国各地的社区, the Chesapeake conservation community is working tirelessly to achieve a goal of conserving 30 percent of lands and waters across the nation by 2030.

“为了实现这些目标,并实现2014年切萨皮克湾协议的目标, 我们需要更广泛地考虑恢复和保护. 我们需要激励和授权私人投资.

“随着《十大赌博平台排行榜》的通过, 马里兰州有望成为其他州效仿的榜样. The Conservation Finance Act will make progress happen faster and speed up the scale, 修复投资的速度和有效性.

“Thank you to Senators Sarah Elfreth, Jim Rosapepe, Katie Fry Hester, Guy Guzzone and William C. 小史密斯,. 代表Kumar Barve, Dana Stein, Sara Love, Regina T. 博伊斯和玛丽. 感谢他们非凡的领导才能推动这些法案. I’d like to extend additional gratitude to the many conservation nonprofits, private restoration and investment companies and state agencies who supported these proposals.”

The following statement is attributable to Environmental Policy Innovation Center Executive Director Timothy Male:

“Environmental progress doesn’t always have to come with a taxpayer price tag. 世界各地, there are more and more situations in which private capital is playing a role in improving 水的质量 or delivering climate solutions. Or where private capital and incentives can ensure that public money is used more cost-effectively and quickly.

“Maryland’s adoption of the Conservation Finance Act will make it the first state in the country to realize and act on this fact. The bill tweaks a handful of the state’s most important conservation programs⁠—as well as its contracting laws⁠—to make it easier for private finance and initiatives to play a role in helping achieve Chesapeake Bay, 森林保护, 气候和环境正义目标.

“The Conservation Finance Act makes Maryland the first state in the country to create a climate⁠ and flooding-focused definition of green infrastructure. The first in the country to define blue infrastructure⁠—like oyster reefs and seagrass beds⁠—as important infrastructure to the state. And the first in the country to put a set of creative approaches for water infrastructure loans into law.

“除了, these actions put Maryland in a better position to use new funding provided by Congress in the Infrastructure law to deliver bigger and better projects for Maryland’s environment and communities.”

The following statement is attributable to the Act’s primary Senate sponsor, Senator Sarah Elfreth:

“Meeting our Chesapeake Bay restoration goals requires an all-hands-on-deck approach. The Conservation Finance Act leverages the power of the private sector community to improve 水的质量, 促进环境正义和公共卫生, 扩大围绕森林和农业土壤固碳的倡议, 并奖励那些能带来协同效益的项目,比如当地的就业机会, 减低洪水风险, and climate resilience–It will bring an unprecedented private-sector investment into this critical effort.”

The following statement is attributable to sponsor and Maryland Senate  Budget and Taxation Committee Vice-Chair, 参议员James Rosapepe:

“对抗气候变化,保护湾区, 我们需要增加对自然保护的公共和私人投资. 这项新法律是向前迈出的一大步.”

The following statement is attributable to one of the Act’s primary House sponsors, Regina Boyce代表:

“By including environmental outcomes in state procurement code and defining green and blue infrastructure, the Conservation Finance Act makes Maryland first in the nation in finding creative ways to finance environmental restoration.”

The following statement is attributable to one of the Act’s primary House sponsors, 代表Sara Love:

“This legislation will deliver a triple bottom line for Maryland: it will help us to meet and exceed our environmental goals without requiring new public funding to do it, 它将支持当地的就业和投资, 它还将为该州的弱势地区带来社区利益.”

The following statement is attributable to sponsor and Maryland House Environment & 运输委员会主席、代表Kumar Barve:

“The Conservation Finance Act represents an innovative use of the market to further Maryland’s clean environment agenda.”

The following statement is attributable to sponsor and Maryland House Environment & 运输委员会副主席、代表达纳·斯坦:

“我对《十大赌博平台排行榜》的通过感到激动. The Act will lead to greater private investment in blue and green infrastructure. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to leverage support from carbon markets, 哪一种可以在减少碳排放方面发挥重要作用.”
